About the design session deposit

We spend a lot of time working with type, illustration, or both to craft your vision. For example, we have even used a copy of David Bowie’s hand-written lyrics to form a bespoke font for a Bowie fan. Each neon approach is very varied and highly considered. This is 100% refundable towards the cost of your purchase. It also tells us you’re fairly serious about getting in the queue so we can dedicate our time to making it perfect.

By purchasing the neon design deposit, you are entering into the design phase. See more about the design process here. We go off the ideas you have submitted, along with any other images or bits that inspire you. We then work away on your design, and get some options back to you. We then work closely with you until you’re happy with it and are ready to go ahead and commit to placing your order. If, in the unlikely event you choose to NOT go ahead with purchasing the custom neon Electric Confetti has designed, this $79 is all you will pay. However, if you approve the design package and then enter the manufacturing phase, we have a strict no-refund policy for the entire cost of the light.  

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